So is there going to be any playgroup sessions in the coming weeks? anyone interested.....
Friday, February 24, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Working bee
when ; wednesday, thursday and friday (8th-9th & 10th of Feb)
where ; Levels 4 and 5 Building 87
why? because we all deserve a better work space.
And it is a nice way to start the year.
refreshments provided.
10am - until it is finished
(For those of you who have not received/read the email from Liam Fenessy)
- Braden says ...
Should we bring along all our paint left overs to try liams idea? i think iv got a fairly good selection, so long as mums willing to part with it.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
hey guys, sorry this is a bit off the topic, but where i am doesnt letme comment on the blogs, or view themfor that matter.
this is for you kate... i went to the koto restaurant today in hanoi. the place was really new, and heavily frequented by tourists which is strange because it is not on the normal tourist trail. apparently its mentioned in a coupleof guidebooks, though not my one - its 2 years old...
from what i could gather the tuition is in allhospitality skills for disadvantaged and streetkids fromhanoi and surrounding area. the food was about half half western and traditional vietnamese, which i was dissapointed in- i thought it would be mostly vietnamese. but there is was a aussie burger on the menu. i guess they're trying to get the chefs expertise in all cuisines - and it probably brings the tourists in too.
the service was good, and mimicked that of reallyhigh class restaurants with the left hand flush against the smallof the back, always serve fromthe left etc. there was lotsof frienlyness, but it was a bit sterile as well, as if they were just imitating western waiters and trying to be that and only that. a lot of the charmof the place was lost i think. though it sounds like a great cause.
so there you go,sounds like a great place tovolunteer, i'd be happy to tell you more about it in person or when i dont havea sticky keyboard....
oh yeah, she was taking us over, oh yeah, it was the start of the summer
well ppvw is taking me over and it's actually the end of the summer, but song lyrics in posts never go astray. umm, it's even harder doing this workshop and working then it was doing uni and working, but it's heaps of fun. everyone should check out the website and maybe come down for an hour or two later this week or next week.
i suggested a while ago on my blog that we should have some sort of communal graffiti system going to decorate the corridors, maybe pint by numbers or something. well, i've come up with a not paint by numbers system. the idea is to just basically cover the walls in paint of various colours, so it looks crazy and clashes, and is totally random, everyone could bring old leftover paint from home to do it. then we make patterns on the wall with masking tape, lines and stuff. we then paint over everything in white, and peel off the tape, revealing rainbow coloured lines and pictures. it means that we bring the input of a whole bunch of people while still retaining the final say as to what looks good. its like in kindy when you colour in a sheet of paper with rainbow pencils and then cover it wih black crayon and scratch pictures into it. i was thinking maybe the lift doors on level 5. what do you people think???
- Britt says ...
I like it. You'll have this dodgy period of multi coloured paint until it's masked/painted/peeled transformed into not so dodgy.
Good idea Liam - Braden says ...
i love the idea. when do we start?
- Braden says ...
if we work out what the masked design is gonna be before we start, we could restrict the crazy rainbow madness to those areas and save a hell of a lot of paint
- liam says ...
that's one of the cleverest things i've heard today. it means that the patterns might look a bit forced though. i've got ppvw in the mornings all those days, but you guys can sure do it without me
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The joy of holiday threats.
I have decided that I am going camping for the week and won’t be back until Friday, so if there are any playgroup meetings or painting I can’t make it unless it’s on Friday. Oh and the joy of interesting threats has started and the deadline has been given so if I don’t go for my licence and get it before uni starts literally all hell will break lose, and it wont be a very good year at all. So I have until uni starts to get my licence and it that doesn’t happen I don’t want to know my future... So if there are no posts up on my blog about me starting to get my act together I ask of you to kindy remind me how fast time is running out… I hope that everybody else has a good week.
I say yes that there should be playgroup within the coming weeks, we'll check out the timetables and see what suits people.
i wanna come, observe, maybe contribute =)
yeh, come alone man. you're more than welcome. Us 2nd years have a 2.5h dark on friday before our studies lecture. 12:30-3:00. Does that suit you 3rd years at all?
I can do friday. As it happens, my elective is the same as 2nd yr design studies, so i'll see you at class, then a PG if it's still on. But yes as Kate said The whole studies induced brain drain may pose an issue (for me anyway!)
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