The playgroup is a group of industrial design students from a variety of year levels who come together to use techniques to explore problem solving, such as being creative, discussion and of course playing games. This blog is where we can continue our discussions and post up new ideas or simply just question things.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The joy of holiday threats.

I have decided that I am going camping for the week and won’t be back until Friday, so if there are any playgroup meetings or painting I can’t make it unless it’s on Friday. Oh and the joy of interesting threats has started and the deadline has been given so if I don’t go for my licence and get it before uni starts literally all hell will break lose, and it wont be a very good year at all. So I have until uni starts to get my licence and it that doesn’t happen I don’t want to know my future... So if there are no posts up on my blog about me starting to get my act together I ask of you to kindy remind me how fast time is running out… I hope that everybody else has a good week.

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