The playgroup is a group of industrial design students from a variety of year levels who come together to use techniques to explore problem solving, such as being creative, discussion and of course playing games. This blog is where we can continue our discussions and post up new ideas or simply just question things.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Hi and hello to all.

I am currently working on something in flash about design studies. Basically it is supposed to describe the essence of design studies to both the initiated (those who have studied/studying it) and the uninitiated (never heard of it before).

Anyway I would like to add some thoughts/opinions from students regarding the subject.
-good and bad aspects of it
-why you like/dislike it
- if you think/find it a valuable subject

If you have something to say go here
Be open and honest. If you hate it, be as scathing as you please.

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