The playgroup is a group of industrial design students from a variety of year levels who come together to use techniques to explore problem solving, such as being creative, discussion and of course playing games. This blog is where we can continue our discussions and post up new ideas or simply just question things.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Working bee

when ; wednesday, thursday and friday (8th-9th & 10th of Feb)
where ; Levels 4 and 5 Building 87
why? because we all deserve a better work space.

And it is a nice way to start the year.

refreshments provided.
10am - until it is finished

(For those of you who have not received/read the email from Liam Fenessy)

Blogger Braden says ...

Should we bring along all our paint left overs to try liams idea? i think iv got a fairly good selection, so long as mums willing to part with it.

11:55 AM  

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