The playgroup is a group of industrial design students from a variety of year levels who come together to use techniques to explore problem solving, such as being creative, discussion and of course playing games. This blog is where we can continue our discussions and post up new ideas or simply just question things.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

is playgroup interested?

Wednesday, 30 November 2005
PopUp at the Melbourne Design Festival
From 6-16 July, the 2006 Melbourne Design Festival will radiate across Melbourne - with glow as its theme.
This is your opportunity to help make it shine.
We invite you to create an event for the Festival’s inaugural PopUps program.
As the name suggests, PopUps will ‘pop-up’ across Melbourne during the Festival, and can take any form – an exhibition or installation, a launch or presentation, a competition, or any other event of your creation. Your PopUp will be designed and managed by you, with assistance from us, and will be fully-credited in the 2006 Melbourne Design Festival program.
PopUps provides an opportunity for designers, professional design bodies, universities and design-led companies to present their own design credentials to a broad audience. To help reach that audience, events selected for PopUps will link in with escorted tours on foot and by bus, with activities along the way and prizes on offer.
We welcome events of any scale, and welcome the opportunity to support you with venues, bookings, promotion and more from the Festival office at the National Design Centre, Federation Square.
To find out more about the 2006 Melbourne Design Festival PopUps program, click here.

Blogger Haley says ...

That sounds pretty good, I don't know as Kate said that next week might be her last playgroup meeting in a while as she's working and I am working as well. It's intresting maybe if other people are free they can do it best of luck to them. You should do it.

12:22 AM  
Blogger Haley says ...

ok no more late night blogging for me didn't realise the dates. I found the coolest pop up book about dinosaurs I'll have to bring it in one day, there fantastic and really detailed. Sounds like fun image everything that can pop up. Ben I don't think the links working at least it's not on my computer.

10:44 AM  
Blogger ben says ...

yeh, dunno about the links.
anyway, i think it sounds good, but we wouldnt nessesarily have to do anything until next year, i guess we need to find out what they want. i'll look into it.

11:15 AM  

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The next playgroup is tomorrow

Thought I would make a new post to tell you all that Playgroup will be tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1.30pm, there might not be to many of us but if worse comes to worse we can go Christmas shopping hehe. But hopefully that wont happen. I wonder if it’s going to be sunny, then we might move it outside somewhere. Well hope you have a great week Liam.

Blogger liam says ...

guess i missed it then

8:12 PM  

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Quick post

Ok so the next playgroup meeting I was thinking early in the week dose that suit everyone? So either Tuesday or Wednesday, maybe at 1.30pm again as people seem to find it easier to get to (or like to sleep in.) From memory the interviews also start soon so I think we should avoid holding playgroup then don’t want to scare them all so what do you think? Oh yeah and check out Kate’s blog for some of the techniques, it’s very good. A special thank you to Kate and Liam for volunteering for the graduate exhibition manning the bar and not to mention the promoting of playgroup on the t-shirts.

Blogger Britt says ...

I can't do Tuesday, butif that day is more suitable for everyone else, I don't mind.

11:52 AM  
Blogger endsig says ...

thursday is good for me, busy the other days - ummm was wondering whether we should try and organise the playgroup after this one soon so that lots of notice and all that. Can't say I am all that fired up yet - but am starting to get out of the unmotivated stage, I think!

9:21 PM  
Blogger Braden says ...

wed, thur and fri are all good for me.

12:43 PM  
Blogger endsig says ...

just realised I can't be there thursday either so i probably won't be able to make it this time around

2:29 PM  
Blogger liam says ...

on thursday i go on holiday till the 11th, so i probably can't come to anthing this week. iv'e been working on mind bottling, and got some results

4:36 PM  

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Playgroup today!

Just thought I would write up a quick playgroup for the people who missed it. (mainly for Ben) We kind of looked into the lack of motivation, within each of us and just discussed Hermes a bit as that is due next week. I think we decided that there would be individual submissions and we haven’t gotten further within it in play group. We also have a nice surprise for tomorrow’s catering more shall be revealed later. So not missing out on to much but nearing the end we had achieved a higher level of motivation, which is good. So it seems where hitting a bit of a busy patch of the year but we all agreed it doesn’t matter if we need to stop for a bit depending on people playgroup wont die! (that last bit was for Liam ;)

Blogger Britt says ...

I think now one of the reasons I still go to playgroup is so I can detatch from the weird self absorbed world the holidays has allowed me to create. At playgroup I listen to others and see what they've been doing, kick back a bit and keep 'reality' within sight. So for me playgroup is still fun even if 'surface chatting ' with others, not specific design talk or new methods of tackling problems.
Anyway, I have some motivation to go and make a set for the stop motion animation thingy :)

12:14 AM  
Blogger guy b says ...

what stop motion animation thingy??? :D

1:50 AM  
Blogger ben says ...

hey punks! just calling in from chilly canberra - your nations capital! just got back from sydney which was dissapointing as it was freezing and overcast most of the tiem,a nd a lot of the people there were snobs. thanks for the update on playgroup haley, some things come back to me now and then from uni, and play group and CG are the two biggest. on the way home in the car dad asked me what this playgroup stuff is about. i talked about what we do,a nd the kind of listening practices we try and foster etc etc. dad has some experience in problem solving in IT corporations - unisys, compaq and also universities and airservices australia , which is where he works currently. i thought it was reall interesting that as we discussed playgroup, its qualities, pros and cons,a nd what ti could be used for, that we slipped into a listening and expression style which suited playgroup. we let each other finish points we made, rebut them, but not put them down. it was a really interesting conversation where the content was as important as the technique, and in this way the process of the conversation was the important thing for me.
anyway, it was somehting small which i noticed, a little way in which playgroup continues on to outside lives, especially when other people want to come to the party.
thnking of you guys,a nd i'l give you a yell when i'm back in town.
rock on

9:11 PM  

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Just a quick update

Ok how about we have playgroup on Thursday? Dose that suit people, not sure about the time either 10am if people want it in the morning or 1.30pm if people want it in the afternoon. Thanks to all the people who are helping out with the catering we have been promised that we can take breaks, so we’ll get the chance to look and chat.

Blogger liam says ...

afternoon is better for me.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Braden says ...

eithers good for moi

4:28 PM  
Blogger Britt says ...

Yeah afternoon would be good.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Braden says ...

course you can come man. you dont really need to bring anything along, but if youv got something that might be fun to play with then bring it along.

9:50 AM  
Blogger endsig says ...

I am sooooo unmotivated at the moment i have spent alot of time just vegging out these last few days - why am i so unmotivated?????? WHY ?????
Anyway.....afternoon is good for me - but early arvo would be better

11:37 AM  
Blogger Haley says ...

I am so unmotivated it scares me I am like a zombie, living my nightmare each day of cleaning and occasionally working no direction no moving forwards just around in circles. Scary I feel like a lazy fat person not accomplishing anything. Without playgroup I think I might give up on breathing I am so boring, yeah cat you tell I am loving holidays? If I could actually motivate to do something… Too many days of nothing, insanity is nearing.

12:45 PM  

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A request from Dana

As you know about the catering for the exhibition night, they are desperately looking for people to help out. I also know that we had enough catering fun at the with the delight project at the mid semester exhibition but I think we could at least put us down as emergency people so they don’t have to freak out and wonder who’s going to do it. Because as it turns out (surprise) there’s not a strong interest from the 1st and 2nd years. Dana thinking how enthusiastic people (as we are doing playgroup in the holiday’s) have a good community spirit would help out. I am going to even though it’s with much resentment, but apparently we push around trolleys which will help put an end to that sore arm from caring stuff. So please put your name down and I’ll email him back saying that we are emergency people and that he’s welcome to fill up all the places before us. Thanks

Blogger liam says ...

yep, put me down, just to get things rolling. service is not my best side but i can bear a little burden for the third years because they have given so much of themselves to the lower classes

9:16 PM  
Blogger liam says ...

i'd better not have to do it by myself :_:

12:04 AM  

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tuesday meeting

on tuesday we had a big turnout. four (4) people. but we were very productive.

we used 2 techniques- brain swarming and mind bottling

we can go over
them at the next meeting.

Blogger Britt says ...

Mind bottling is an amazing technique!

5:20 PM  
Blogger Haley says ...

Yes mind bottling was a goodie, don't worry kate as you didn't miss ben's last playgroup as he was not there, glad you had fun at your ball.

Yep it was quite an enjoyable playgroup meeting. But I suppose maybe we should allow more time for people to decide about playgroup, so if we could try and give people at least four day's notice would that help in people turing up? Or are we a bit busy? It dose seem like a busy part of the year for some.

6:09 PM  

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Last Tuesday

Well a short update on last Tuesday’s meeting, Andrew invited along some of his friends whom he said where interested but only one could stay so there where a total of for of us. We tested out the laddering technique where we start with one thing then ladder up then down. It was quite a good technique. We didn’t use it on Hermes as with one of Braden’s last comments we where kind of tiring of it, and we did seem to have so interesting conversations and discussions that sprung form know where, I think that it was a success of the leader thing where there’s a tad more direction. So for the next meeting when do people want to hold it? Early next week sometime or there is tomorrow but I do feel that’s way too late to organize something.

Not using the air of Paris theme was good as it doesn’t work when there’s not the same people there each week, just something to consider. But I don’t mind the idea of working on it all together maybe just not all the time.

Blogger Haley says ...

Those days are both good so long as it's not between 1.30 and 3pm as we have some corporation game thing to review the studio. Have fun at your ball do you get to dress up in fancy stuff? Sounds fun.

11:04 AM  
Blogger endsig says ...

so when is the next playgroup? and sorry I didn't make it to the last one

9:33 PM  
Blogger ben says ...

ditto, let me know, tuesday and wednesday are ok, but after that i'm headign back to canberra.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Haley says ...

No don’t leave us… Nah I hope you have a great time in Canberra and thanks to good old blogger we can keep you up to date I was thinking maybe 1.30pm on Tuesday as people don’t seem to like the morning ones to much or maybe it just happens that we have more in the afternoon. How dose that suit people? If it doesn’t work then post another time.

9:13 PM  
Blogger ben says ...

see you tuesday 130. i'll be there. for my last pg of the year.

10:37 PM  

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

questions from the slow poke.

A little behind the 8 ball here. What time is the play group tommorrow? what shall i bring?

Blogger Haley says ...

we are meeting at 2pm in level 5, on stuff to bring any tools or tecniques to help with breain storming or anything which is creative, Kate brings in building blocks and braden brought in playdoh hope you can come. see you there

10:26 PM  

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